Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Curse Martha and her tempting crafts! Read a Martha article a few years back on embroidery and I was intrigued so in the usual me fashion I ran out to the craft store to buy embroidery paraphernalia and started this bubble pattern on a couple of pillow cases. Two years later they're done! Sometime during the second pillow I got bored or discouraged or something and put it aside and found it two years later.

I blame Martha's crafts for sucking me into crocheting, knitting, embroidery. I took a crafting/personality test once and the results were that I have a short attention span and these are the worst crafts for me. I'll show that test!!!

Crappy close-up--the circles are actually crooked (I freehanded them), it's not just the non-flat fabric.

This hideous metal mouth is the inside of that felt pouch. Isn't it creepy? And you don't have to look closely to see that the edge stitching sucks. I was trying to go for a satin stitch edge but I couldn't figure it out on the sewing ma-chine and I was getting fidgety. I could have read the manual but that'd just be too easy, no?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi grouchy frog, i really heart the circles on the pillows. how're so creative!!! Love, d :)

3/25/2005 12:31:00 PM  
Blogger hannah said...

thanks for the quilting advice! i also have a short crafting attention span... i did the inside of that pouch, i think you should sew a little pink felt tongue on the inside.

3/25/2005 06:48:00 PM  
Blogger hannah said...

sorry, thats supposed to say dig, not did... i didnt do anything to your pouch, i swear!

3/25/2005 06:48:00 PM  
Blogger Susanne said...

thanks for the love d!

hannah, i'll email you a picture of a blanket i made, very easy one big panel thingy. thanks for the tongue suggetion--i might even take it a step further and add that little hangy thingy at the back of the throat!

3/25/2005 10:52:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The variation in size and color of your beaded circles on the pillowcases are very nice!

3/30/2005 02:03:00 AM  

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